VHDL FSM Logic MCP2515 SPI Interface

Product Information

1. Overview
2. Key Features
3. Technical Specifications
4. Applications
5. Package Contents
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1. Overview

VHDL Finate State Machine (FSM) Logic MCP2515 SPI Interface is a high-performance solution designed for seamless integration with the MCP2515 CAN controller via the SPI protocol. This interface utilizes a FSM architecture to ensure efficient and reliable communication, making it ideal for embedded system applications.

2. Key Features

  1. High Efficiency
  2. Compatible
  3. Customizable
  4. Robust Design

3. Technical Specifications

  1. FPGA behaves as master SPI device
  2. FPGA logic supports up to 10MHz SPI clock speed
  3. Receive both standard and extended data and remote CAN messages on FPGA
  4. Transmit both standard and extended data and remote CAN messages from FPGA
  5. FPGA FSM fully test and verified
  6. Example logic available for echoing CAN messages

4. Applications

  1. Embedded Systems
  2. Industrial Systems
  3. Robotics
  4. Automotive
  5. Medical Systems

5. Package Contents

  1. VHDL Source Code for FSM Logic MCP2515 SPI Interface
  2. Comprehensive User Manual
  3. Example Projects
  4. Technical Support and Updates

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